Progress Updates December 4, 2015 No Comments

Safety at All Heights ‘Taking Zero Chances’ as Bridge Takes Shape Above the River

December 4, 2015
Safety at All Heights ‘Taking Zero Chances’ as Bridge Takes Shape Above the River

A construction worker tethered to a safety harness helps install a road deck panel.

With hundreds of craftsmen working through all kinds of conditions, safety remains the top priority of the New NY Bridge project team. As the bridge continues to take shape above the Hudson, more and more crew members are working at higher and higher elevations. With the work going increasingly vertical, Tappan Zee Constructors, LLC (TZC) is increasing its safety focus on training workers how to eliminate falls.

Essential to crews working at heights greater than six feet: a specialized safety harness. The harness is secured around the worker’s torso, legs and arms and attached to a high-strength, shock-absorbing lanyard that, in turn, is connected to nearby anchor points installed wherever workers are employed at heights.

With the majority of the job taking place over water, TZC workers also must wear life vests along with their harnesses. The U.S. Coast Guard-approved vests include water-activated beacons that light up when submerged in water. The eye-grabbing beacons enable rescue teams to instantly locate any fallen worker, which is vital with crews working above often-frigid waters. Falling into freezing water can cause loss of consciousness in less than 15 minutes.

TZC Safety Director Darryl Lloyd leads a team of experienced safety professionals in communicating specific, practical ways to reduce risks on the worksite to field personnel.

The fall protection initiative follows the preceding “Get a Grip, Don’t Slip” initiative, which focused on safe worksite access and ladder safety.

Learn more about TZC’s personal protective equipment and previous safety initiatives.