Pile Driving Demonstration on New Tappan Zee
Press Release March 13, 2012 No Comments

Pile Driving Demonstration on New Tappan Zee

March 13, 2012

River Work Latest Milestone on Project

Contractors will begin an extensive pile driving project along the path of the new proposed bridge as the latest milestone for the New Tappan Zee Bridge Project, the New Tappan Zee Bridge Team announced.

New Yorkers will soon begin to see the first physical manifestations of preparatory work for the future Tappan Zee Bridge.

New York Thruway Executive Director Thomas J. Madison was joined by Rockland County Legislative Chairwoman Harriett Cornell to view the new river work first hand.

Also on hand were representatives for Congressman Eliot Engel, State Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Senator David Carlucci, Assembly members Ken Zebrowski, Ellen Jaffee, George Latimer and Thomas Abinanti.

This “smart early work” on the river will allow the project to maintain the fast track schedule Governor Cuomo has encouraged and enable the proposers to fine tune their bids. This project will generate very detailed information about the composition and characteristics of the river bottom. There by saving the state time and money once the contract is awarded in August.

Two separate contracts jointly administered by New York State Department of Transportation and the New York State Thruway Authority are now under way. They will enable proposers to properly gauge the depths, composition and physical characteristics they will encounter as they plan their bids. This data is critical when they begin to plan the first phase of construction, the footings for their design build proposals.

The first is a boring demonstration that will ascertain the material composition of the riverbed and involved a series of 55 separate drilling operations where core samples were removed and analyzed. These consisted of mud, sand, shale and bedrock samples.

The second is a pile driving project that will determine load capacity at seven strategic locations in the future path of the new bridge. These are extremely important because they will enable the proposers to gage how many supports and at what depth and distance the footings have to be placed.

This smart early work will enable the Tappan Zee team to achieve Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s vision of breaking ground in early fall.

More information about the project can be found at To comment on the project, write to