Progress Updates January 29, 2016 No Comments

Peregrine Falcons Return Pair Sighted on Project’s FalconCam

January 29, 2016
Peregrine Falcons Return Pair Sighted on Project’s FalconCam
Endangered peregrine falcons have returned to the man-made nest box on top of the Tappan Zee Bridge to prepare for the nesting season.

Endangered peregrine falcons have returned to the man-made nest box on top of the Tappan Zee Bridge to prepare for the nesting season.

As the Northeast bounces back from record snowfall, the New NY Bridge project welcomes a gentler natural wonder: the return of endangered peregrine falcons to the Tappan Zee Bridge.

Over the coming weeks, the falcons can be seen preparing for the spring nesting season on the project’s live FalconCam.

The FalconCam provides close-up views of the lives of these migratory raptors, which have annually taken residence in a man-made nest box on top of the existing bridge.

The nest box — installed and maintained by the New York State Thruway Authority — provides shelter and a high vantage point from which the peregrines can scour for and dive after prey. Capable of exceeding 200 miles per hour, peregrine falcons are the fastest members of the animal kingdom.

Thanks to the cooperative efforts of several organizations and many volunteers, man-made nest boxes have steadily helped grow the state’s falcon population in recent decades. The new bridge will include a similarly-located nest box atop one of its iconic towers.

As construction on the replacement crossing continues, a 100-foot construction-free buffer area is in place to help protect the falcons during their nesting period. Peregrines typically lay three to five eggs between February and April. Laying takes approximately eight days, during which time the female becomes lethargic, fluffing her feathers and leaning forward while perched.

The chicks, otherwise known as eyases, hatch approximately one month later. Over the following two weeks, the parents will care for their young almost constantly. As the nestlings age, they are left alone for longer periods of time until they leave the nest after approximately 40 days.

Last year, three young falcons hatched in April. As fledglings, the birds remained around the nest until they learned how to hunt and survive on their own. When young falcons mature, they can migrate great distances to establish nests of their own.

Depending on where the eggs are laid in the nest box, FalconCam viewers may be able to actually watch this year’s chicks peck their way out of their eggs.

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Note: The falcons are wild birds and their behaviors reflect what happens in nature. Some of their actions may be unpleasant to watch and it is possible that some of the fledglings may not survive into adulthood.