Progress Updates August 21, 2015 No Comments

Behemoth Bases Completed Foundations Will Support Iconic Open Towers

August 21, 2015
Behemoth Bases Completed Foundations Will Support Iconic Open Towers
The newly completed main span pile caps will serve as foundations for the new bridge's 419-foot towers.

The newly completed main span pile caps will serve as foundations for the new bridge’s 419-foot towers.

Last week saw completion of the second of the New NY Bridge project’s two main span pile caps. More than 20,000 cubic yards of concrete were used to fill the massive foundations for the new bridge’s 419-foot towers.

Main Span Concrete

Workers put the finishing touches on the west main span pile cap, which consolidates the strength of dozens of piles into a single structure.

The pile caps—each the length of a football field—rest atop dozens of steel foundation piles, consolidating the piles’ strength and distributing the weight of the main span. Workers spent months inside the 14-foot deep caps carefully installing layers of galvanized steel reinforcement before encasing it all in concrete.

“This is a big step forward for the new bridge,” said Darrell Waters, TZC president and project executive. “It’s always exciting to see years of hard work pay off in a big way.”

Initial work has already begun on the new bridge’s iconic towers, which will support the 2,230-foot cable-stayed spans. Watch as the new bridge takes shape across the river by viewing our construction webcams and project gallery.